
l'École...Parisienne Style.

My education in Paris has officially begun and here is what I have learned so far:

1. You must dress like you just came from an editorial spread in French Vogue.

2. Speaking English is not cool.

3. You should be skinny, smoke skinny cigarettes and wear skinny fitting pants, but you should eat large baguettes with cheese and butter for lunch.

4. The metro is on strike will never be questioned as an excuse for being late.

5. Always look bored...even when you are taking French magazine editing classes and are beyond thrilled!

Oh yeah, and Sciences Po classrooms have gorgeous 18th century windows and fireplaces...no big deal.

3 commentaires:

  1. Smoking keeps you skinny. Thank god. Otherwise those french bitches would be faaaat

  2. That is so not true. Most of the students at Sciences po aren't that stytlish.
