
Fashion Night and its Queen...

How could I be so lucky... I arrive in Paris and two days following is Paris Fashion Night! Which means all the designer stores are open late and the industry's finest make appearances. This may not be the finest pic...but this is Editor in Chief of Paris Vogue Carine Roitfeld exiting the Jean Paul Gaultier event. These are not very flattering photos, but she was quite striking in person. She stopped before getting into her car to sign a balloon for a little girl, and appeared very casual and nice with her assistants. Then she was whisked away in a little austin mini with vogue printed across the side. Very unpretentious and very exciting pour moi.

Here is another pic from the same night stolen from another blog just to do Carine a bit more photographic justice. Now if only I can get a glimpse of Monsieur Karl while I am here too...

1 commentaire:

  1. She never photographs well I noticed. She has that certain something that french women embody though. i think she was in vanity fairs best dressed 08'?
