
Courtney Uses Her Words

Last night I was watching a Fashion TV Raw re-run where Jeanne Beker caught Courtney Love outside the Narciso Rodriguez summer 2010 show. Now I know that Courtney is the epitome of a hot mess. Her lipstick always looks like she just came from a sloppy shag session, and her eyes and hair are always going in opposite directions...but sometimes what comes out of her mouth is right on point. It took her awhile to get to that point this time, but I think she accurately summed up Rodriguez's whole collection when she enthusiastically praised his serging skills. In her not-so-refined vernacular she delivered an assessment more honest and legitimate then most of the other fashion flakes hanging around. Her best line to Jeanne... "Narcisco is really meant for ladies who lunch..I lunched once..two years ago I think."
Something about Courtney just makes me like her. Probably cause I've never had to spend any time with her. But every time I see her it makes me wonder... If Kurt had lived a full and healthy life, would Courtney have too?

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