

Lillian Bassman is an American photographer who published primarily in Harper's Bazaar in the 1950's and 1960's. In the 1970's her black and white stylized shots were considered out of vogue. She tossed fourty years of negatives and prints and abandoned fashion photography. A trash bag with her old work in it was recently found and Liliann- who is now in her nineties- is rediscovering what she loved to do and is teaching herself how to use digital technology and photoshop to enhance her old work and create a collection of new passion projects. I am in love with her style. Elegant and timeless. Not unlike Lilian.

3 commentaires:

  1. we saw her on Fashion television. What a gal, what pictures. Thank you for adding her to your blog

  2. Oh mon dieu... those photos are splendidly magnificent as they capture the beauty and elegance! Each one tells a story... They almost remind me of Audrey Hepburn's look in Breakfast at Tiffany's.
    J'espère que tu es bien ma belle!! Est-ce que tu pense que tu vas rester à Paris toujours? haha... Je t'envoyerai un courriel bientôt!

    Chaleureusement xoxo, Carrie
