
Garance at Sciences Po.

Garance Doré spoke at Sciences Po today, and she was lovely. The room was packed, it was incredibly hot, and the questions directed at her were endless. She answered them all- was funny, gracious, informative and humble. And definitely in love. When she mentioned Scott of Sartorialist fame, she blushed. And when she received a message on her phone during the session, the way her face lit up indicated it was probably him. Of course she spoke entirely in french, so I managed to get about 60 percent of it, but I did manage to note more than just her blushing... She mentioned that haute couture makes her a bit sad, that it is beautiful art to be appreciated, but so unattainable to so many. She discussed her interpretations of the fashion market and the style differences in New York, Europe, Russia and Japan. She praised Marc Jacobs. She also indicated her distaste for too much advertising on fashion blogs that can detract from artistic intent. She even answered questions regarding when she wanted to have a family with poise and humour. I think I have a girl crush - She is so unpretentious she makes you feel it would be possible to just hang out with her and gossip about all the fashion peeps. Even if her outfits make her one of them.

ps. Garance mentioned a great blog. nowness.com. Add it to your favourites. Just after Garance and me.

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