
Joyeux Noël.

 Sending love to those I miss across the Atlantic. Bisous.


Lana at Christmas.

If everyone looked this striking at Christmas I think
Santa would have a lot more people on his naughty list.


Peace Out.

I know no details as to why but Carine Roitfeld, Editor in Chief of French Vogue, has quit. Minutes ago. After ten years at the helm. Where is she going? Who will replace her? Mon Dieu.
So many questions.


Happy Birthday Mommy...and Me!

December 16th, the birthday my mom and I both share. 
Here is us at our best- circa 1988. 
I wish you could make my party mom-
It's not the same without you.
From Paris with love- B


Les Arts Décoratifs.

Yesterday I visited Les Arts Décoratifs to see the exhibit: Les Années 1990-2000. Histoire Idéale de la Mode Contemporaine vol. II. While it was great, I have to say it was not as fabulous as I had hoped it would be. Maybe the nineties just sucked a bit. Of the pictures above, I definitely did not see anything as colourful or dramatic as the Dior, but instead saw a lot of neutral like the Margeila below. Also, I thought the exhibition was a bit unfocused- with a lot of pieces being from very recent collections, and not as many from the late nineties. Nonetheless, it was worth attending. Watching footage of nineties runway shows was entertaining -  I think Anna Wintour looks exactly the same now, but nobody else does. I also discovered a new-found appreciation for the designer Véronique Leroy. Anyone who can create an Irish fisherman knit bustier will impress me. Sorry no pics of that, I think security would have freaked. If only I could sketch like all the fashion students that were at the exhibit furiously scribbling in their moleskines.

Le Bague.

Miss Katie Wray can attest to how long I have searched for this ring. I think it was what I requested for my birthday last year and now here is this lady just flaunting hers on Dover St one day before my next birthday. I know what you're thinking, when did you go to Dover St? I haven't yet. But I am London-bound at the end of January so I was just perusing the British blogs. So, stealing photos really.


Musings From Tonight.

Me to Milena while bored in our apartment:
"How come we have nothing to read but fashion magazines and the Communist Manifesto?"


Quote For The Day.

"The only reason we woke up in the morning was to decide what to do that night." -Betty Catroux.

The former model and muse of YSL commenting on her lifelong friendship with the designer.

Yves Saint Laurent and Betty Catroux in Marrakesh, 1970's.


Rue de L'Université. A Dapper Gent.

I saw this gentleman yesterday walking and he looked just too smooth. The best part of his outfit I couldn't capture. He was too manly to pose for me, but he had red socks on that matched his pocket scarf. Smoking his pipe and strolling the streets, he was the picture of parisienne perfection. 


Vancouver Vintage.

Old-school Killarney High football jacket in Paris.
Well-played Sam.

Vanity Moment.

C'est moi at the Berlin Cathedral. So so cold. Kind of like Paris has been these last few days. But today is beautiful and sunny... too bad I am spending it at the laundromat. But honestly, I haven't done laundry since I went to Berlin...so I think it's time.


Quote for the Day.

Choose between hat and makeup,
if you wear a hat keep a fresh face
otherwise you will look like a transvestite.

-Anna Dello Russo
Vogue Nippon


Haute Couture. Literally.

Sometimes being a student really cuts into having a good time. But other days you get the chance to prepare a project on haute couture. The presentation is in French, which makes it a little intimidating. I am right now preparing the images that I hope will distract my class from my terrible accent tomorrow morning and I couldn't not share this one. Dior. Not sure the year...not sure the photographer...not sure it will keep attention away from my accent, but it's still stunning. Bisous et bonne nuit. B


Giovanna- Always A Pleasure.

I just needed a fix of my girl crush Giovanna. It's been too long since I posted a picture of her. I love this shot because she looks so fly while everyone else in the picture looks like they should be at the mall foodcourt or something. Too harsh? I mean I always enjoy a good foodcourt. But whatever, that's not the point. The point is I need to stay away from food entirely if I ever want to wear a skin-hugging dress in burnt orange a la Ms Battaglia.


Quote for the Day.

Does he study fashion at the Sorbonne?
No, he studies french.
That's the same thing.
-Camille Dargelos


Lanvin Loves H&M

And I imagine today on les Champs-Élysées hundreds of Lanvin lovers loved H&M too. Oh how tragic that I am stuck preparing papers instead of preparing a holiday wardrobe with affordable Lanvin.


Couture Drinking.

This past weekend we visited the champagne region of France. Unfortunately, we only viewed and didn't sample from this private collection of bottles dating back to 1915.


Christmas Begins in Berlin.

I think I am still recovering from Berlin two days later. Dancing until 5am and then waking up for a flight at 7am is not highly recommended. But... if you are in Berlin for only two nights and you find yourself at an underground club in an old hydro plant with incredible DJs and multiple stages you should maximize every moment. Even if half of your party misses the flight the next day... Berlin was everything I expected it to be...gothic, grafitti covered and filled with history. Above is a Christmas window display in one of their large department stores. Doesn't really look like Macy's.


What Happens on Rue de l'Université...

My happenings there are simply weaving my way through stylish students while praying I have time for the .50 euro coffee machine before I sit in lectures and stare out  at the lavish apartments across the street. Meanwhile, glamorous people like Elena Perminova and Anna Dello Russo get to dress like this and attend events like the Vogue Masquerade Ball at probably the most lavish of these apartments- Karl Lagerfeld's. The tragedy of it all. Here I was one evening studying books no one should have to while the ultimate in couture was commencing only courtyards away. (Again, thanks Jak and Jil for the pics).

Je Veux...

I don't know how I can live a normal life knowing this vintage Balenciaga shearling aviator jacket exists somewhere in the world. The sad truth is if I had this kind of disposable income I could probably track it down. On Rue Bonaparte in the 6eme is my favourite store to stare longlingly at in Paris. It is so posh it doesn't even have a name. Between the best macaroon shop Ladurée and the Seine is where you will find this high fashion/high price tag boutique. Every time I pass it by it nearly brings me to my knees with its collection of Balenciaga and Balmain. Thanks to jakandjil.com for this pic, yet another reminder of my willingness to sacrifice my tuition for fashion house tailoring.



Jardins des Tuileries

Quote for the Day...

"Coffee is what you pay for before you go have sex."
-Yeah I got it from Gossip Girl, I'll admit it.
But its a little more Paris than NYC I think.


Walking home along Rue de l'Ancienne-Comédie this afternoon, Milena and I were lucky to get the chance to look at some photographs taken by Lisetta Carmi in the 1970's. In her eighties now, Carmi's book Travestiti captured all the fun, fashion, sadness, drama and day-to-day routines of the Italian transvestite community. Thank Milena for flirting with the cute guy who ran this little photography bookstore because he let us into his studio to look at a collection of Carmi's work.

A Rockstar Remembered.

Le cimetière du Père-Lachaise. Paris.



Garance at Sciences Po.

Garance Doré spoke at Sciences Po today, and she was lovely. The room was packed, it was incredibly hot, and the questions directed at her were endless. She answered them all- was funny, gracious, informative and humble. And definitely in love. When she mentioned Scott of Sartorialist fame, she blushed. And when she received a message on her phone during the session, the way her face lit up indicated it was probably him. Of course she spoke entirely in french, so I managed to get about 60 percent of it, but I did manage to note more than just her blushing... She mentioned that haute couture makes her a bit sad, that it is beautiful art to be appreciated, but so unattainable to so many. She discussed her interpretations of the fashion market and the style differences in New York, Europe, Russia and Japan. She praised Marc Jacobs. She also indicated her distaste for too much advertising on fashion blogs that can detract from artistic intent. She even answered questions regarding when she wanted to have a family with poise and humour. I think I have a girl crush - She is so unpretentious she makes you feel it would be possible to just hang out with her and gossip about all the fashion peeps. Even if her outfits make her one of them.

ps. Garance mentioned a great blog. nowness.com. Add it to your favourites. Just after Garance and me.


Quote For The Day.

Black eyeliner says you've been through stuff, you know things. —Parker Posey


Rue de Seine.


I love the light playing on this lady as she sits on stairs at the Louvre. You can almost feel how crisp the day was, even though the sun is shining. Also, her shoes are excellent, and the colour combination of her scarf and hair against her blue coat are so perfectly autumn.

Sacré Coeur.

Although it was a Saturday afternoon, it had been raining that morning so the usual crowd of weekend tourists in Montmartre was smaller- making it an ideal day to visit. Sacré Coeur was breathtaking, but I am sad to say that photography within the church est interdit. I could have spent hours staring at the ceiling and feeling the warmth radiating from all the lit candles.

Hat House Party.

Pont des Arts. Paris.

What....A Scenester.


Boys in the Hood.

Neaz and Peter, having a time at a random party in the 3rd arrondissement we ended up at last weekend. One of those...my friend has a friend, who has a grandma, who owns an apartment building, and right now the penthouse is empty... 

Loft Party Lighting.

A Costa Rican in Paris.


Fashionable Canadians.

Jeanne Becker. Fashion Television Host. A little taste of home.

Karlie Kloss. So tall, so beautiful, so nice. Really.

More Fashion Week...

Models. Viktor and Rolf.

The Tall and the Slim.

Anna Dello Russo!

Leaving Viktor and Rolf. Not stopping for pictures.

Fashion Week 2010. Paris!

Goth. Alive and Well in the Jardin des Tuileries.

Guerlain Parfums

Rue St. Honoré


Rue St Honoré